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Old 12-15-2007, 07:52 AM   #1
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Discuss Tales of the Past III

Okay, how can we not have this topic?

I felt that this should have been something I saw in theaters, not my house computer. It was not done justice. It should be some world wide thing, but this is one of those times when I'm glad I can say..... Thank God For Fast Internet! I saw Tales I and Tales II and thought, okay this movie might be pretty good too, although I never enjoyed sequals much... but my god!

III blew both previous movies out of the water by far. And to have put that much work into a movie, I'm very disappointed at blizzard for not having some kind of announcement or something like this on their website, not even their community spotlight.

As of right now I've watched the movie 3 times. The first time I was interrupted a bunch because of RL issues, but the second time I got to watch the whole thing, full screen, no interruptions. I loved it so much I watched it a third time right after, and I'm in love with the movie. I've been dying to see the World of Warcraft movie from Legendary Pictures that was announced long ago, but thats supposed to be a late like 2008 or 2009 movie or something.... This one came out, and my God, you could have released it in theaters and i would have actually believed blizzard or legendary pictures created this as the World of Warcraft movie.

I'm burning it to DvD before I go to bed so that I will always have this movie to watch. This movie was plotted out and filmed so perfectly, and the details of the story are described with such passion and feeling..... I felt involved with the storyline just knowing that I play warcraft. I have not only the greatest respect to the creators of this movie, but everyone who was ever involved in its creation, involving every person who took time out of their personal lives to get on his server and assist him in filming it.

And for him to have such great friends that would give him so much time over a year's span to make the movie, he is really living life. The meaning of life is to live it to it's fullest, and hes doing that. Not because he made something cool or because of the games he plays or the hobbies he has, but if you look at the time and effort that anyone spends on anything on God's green Earth.... Very little things can come close in comparison.

For one person to have a dream, is common.

It's every single one of us.

For one person to go out and make that dream a reality, isn't just heroic, it's Legendary. Like the movie says, he is a Legend.

okay im done with my little personal thing for this topic, im off to bed, so i can get up nice and early and watch it on my tv/dvd
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